Brief Definition of Binge Drinking

What is Binge Drinking?

Binge drinking is a term widely used by people in referring to the act of excessive and quick alcohol consumption in a short period of time. Binge drinking is a form of habit or a mild craving to which a person drinks alcohol rapidly and continuously to obtain physiological state of drunkenness or alcohol intoxication in a short duration. The word “binge” is also use to describe any type of consumption that is “extremely high” than usual and standard amount such as in binge eating and drug binge.

Binge drinking can takes place before the expected intense consumption. It can also happen to a person during the regular excessive drinking. It can be linked to the progression of series of withdrawal symptoms after the actual abuse. The Philippines is considered to have the highest rate level when it comes to binge drinking. This has been a perennial problem in our society and presently the cost of many accidents, domestic problems and violent crimes over the country. It is studied that all forms of celebrations usually lead to binge drinking without the person involve knowing it. It may start with a harmless shot of hard drinks which may later turn into binge drinking.

Just like in any form of vise, binge drinking is not exempted to be connected to problems. There are lots of effects and every one of these lie on the negative side. Overlook the fact that you wasted good amount of money on booze rather than spending them on other sensible things. Forget about the time you wasted abusing alcohol which can be spent on family gatherings. Don’t consider the fact that you woke the next morning feeling sick and dehydrated. Just think of the long term effects of binge drinking which are risky, life-threatening and alarming. Overdoing something can always harm us.

Although, binge drinking is often connected with minors and young adults, there are also lots of adults that engage to such habit. It's a widespread practice among young people and college teenagers, especially male, who consider alcohol and drinking as a kind of game to prove their machismo. It is sad when these teenagers engage in this activities and behaviors as they have more to lose. In spite of the warnings and the prevention tactics of government agencies and different organizations, these people seem to ignore this kind of episode and still excessively abuse alcohol. Teenagers who are into this practice have high risks of damaging their brain due to alcohol poisoning. Binge drinking can affects the vital development of their physical, emotional and psychological characteristics.

A common mistake that people often commit is thinking that a person must be drinking all the time to be considered as an alcoholic. It is a belief that if someone can survive couple of days without alcohol then he or she does not have drinking problems. You do not need to be an alcoholic to engage in binge drinking. But if you abuse alcohol to the highest level, and without control, you may become one. Likely, you can acquire drinking problems once you reach the peak of binge drinking which can lead to alcohol addiction.

The truth is cyclic incidents of binge drinking can cause further destruction on our physical characteristics relatively different to regular, constant consumption. According to an expert, binge drinking can create damaging effects to the body as it continuously withdraw from alcohol every time the event occurs which can lead to internal organ failures and nervous breakdown due to the high level of intoxicated substance that is introduced in the body. It can cause fluctuated increase in blood pressures and sporadic ascend and descend of sugar level in the body. If someone excessively consume alcohol over a small period of time, his body will need to deal with the high concentrate of ethanol on alcohol and adjust its system to become stable. This happens every time a person binge drinks and eventually leading him to a series of withdrawal symptoms periodically. Other risks involve brain damage and certain types of cancer. It can also make an individual prone to road accidents and legal troubles because of blackouts and unconsciousness when exceedingly intoxicated.

There are no advantages and benefits in drinking too much. Binge drinking can lead to bigger problems such as alcoholism and life-threatening diseases. You have to find a way and act immediately to stop you from binge drinking.

In a certain situation, excessive drinking or alcohol abuse can be avoided by simply implementing guidelines and standard procedures on your own. But as the saying goes, it is fun to disobey rules.

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